Orthodox Chinese Buddhism
As a long-time monk, scholar, and founder of
monasteries in Asia and North America, Master Sheng
Yen is uniquely qualified to explain the correct —
therefore “orthodox” — beliefs that have guided Chinese
Buddhism for over 1,500 years. Written while the author
was on solitary retreat, OCB was Master Sheng Yen’s
response to many questions he received about Chinese
Buddhism. Using a question-and-answer format, the
book explores a wide range of subjects, from what it
means to be a Buddhist to sudden enlightenment. This
English translation is therefore a welcome addition to
the Western literature of Buddhism, and includes new
annotations, appendixes, and a glossary designed for
the Western reader.

Things Pertaining to Bodhi
The Thirty-seven Aids to Enlightenment
The Thirty-seven Aids to Enlightenment
The Thirty-seven Aids to Enlightenment are a set of
fundamental teachings of Buddhism in the form of a list.
The list’s seeming simplicity belies the fact that it is
actually a kind of road map to enlightenment for anyone
who follows it with diligence and sincerity. The Thirty-
seven Aids comprise seven groups of practices
conducive to awakening. Each of the seven groups is
itself a list of enlightenment factors, which add up to a
total of thirty-seven: (1) The Four Foundations of
Mindfulness, (2) The Four Proper Exertions, (3) The
Four Steps to Magical Powers, (4) The Five Roots, (5)
The Five Powers, (6) The Seven Factors of Enlighten-
ment, and (7) The Noble Eightfold Path. Master Sheng
Yen’s down-to-earth teachings take the reader on a
progression through each of the practices, illustrating
how they relate to the reader’s own path toward