How We Can Stop Fooling Ourselves by Training the Mind -- The Discipline of Relationships - Part 1 (English Talk)
by Harry Miller
  • Mar 16
    A Microscopic View of the Ten Parables of Prajñā: Illusion and Reality
    by Ven. Yan She
    In the Mahāyāna Prajñā scriptures, analogies such as like "an illusion," "a flame," "the moon in the water," "empty space," "an echo," " the city of Gandharvas," "a dream," "a shadow," "a reflection in a mirror," and "a magical creation" are used to illustrate the true nature of all phenomena. Let us delve into these ten parables from a microscopic perspective to uncover their profound meaning, illuminate the reality of the universe, and explore the wisdom of Prajñā and insight into emptiness.
    Mar 23
    How We Can Stop Fooling Ourselves by Training the Mind -- The Discipline of Relationships - Part 2 (English Talk)
    by Harry Miller
    Mar 30
    The Heart Sutra - The Wisdom that Brings Us to the Other Shore
    by Ven. Yan Rui
    The Heart Sutra, formally known as the Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra, represents the core of wisdom in Mahayana Buddhism. It expounds the profound meaning of “emptiness,” offering profound yet concise teachings. The sutra inspires practitioners to transcend attachments, go beyond both positive and negative extremes, and attain ultimate liberation and freedom. Its succinct wording and profound principles make it both an introduction to Buddhist practice and a guide for practice and recitation. The Heart Sutra is an indispensable treasure of wisdom for Buddhist pratitioners.
  • Apr 13
    How We Can Stop Fooling Ourselves by Training the Mind -- The Discipline of Relationships - Part 3 (English Talk)
    by Harry Miller
    Apr 20
    A Microscopic View of the Ten Parables of Prajñā: Illusion and Reality
    by Ven. Yan She
    In the Mahāyāna Prajñā scriptures, analogies such as like "an illusion," "a flame," "the moon in the water," "empty space," "an echo," " the city of Gandharvas," "a dream," "a shadow," "a reflection in a mirror," and "a magical creation" are used to illustrate the true nature of all phenomena. Let us delve into these ten parables from a microscopic perspective to uncover their profound meaning, illuminate the reality of the universe, and explore the wisdom of Prajñā and insight into emptiness.
    Apr 27
    The Śūraṅgama Sūtra Digest -- The Obstacles and Steps to Enlightenment (English Talk)
    by Ven. Chang Hwa
    The Surangama Sutra is regarded as a very important sutra in the Chan school. It gives both theoretical analysis and practical guidance for practitioners to reach the highest samadhi. By using the three aspects of wondrous samatha, samapatti, and dhyana as a scaffold, it provides instruction on the correct understanding of Buddha nature, the true mind/nirvana, the illusory mind/mundane existences, the ways to reach enlightenment, the Surangama mantra, and the demonic states of mind. This Sutra is a complete and practical manual for meditation practitioners.
  • MAY
  • May 4
    A Microscopic View of the Ten Parables of Prajñā: Illusion and Reality
    by Ven. Yan She
    In the Mahāyāna Prajñā scriptures, analogies such as like "an illusion," "a flame," "the moon in the water," "empty space," "an echo," " the city of Gandharvas," "a dream," "a shadow," "a reflection in a mirror," and "a magical creation" are used to illustrate the true nature of all phenomena. Let us delve into these ten parables from a microscopic perspective to uncover their profound meaning, illuminate the reality of the universe, and explore the wisdom of Prajñā and insight into emptiness.
    May 18
    The Heart Sutra - The Wisdom that Brings Us to the Other Shore
    by Ven. Yan Rui
    The Heart Sutra, formally known as the Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra, represents the core of wisdom in Mahayana Buddhism. It expounds the profound meaning of “emptiness,” offering profound yet concise teachings. The sutra inspires practitioners to transcend attachments, go beyond both positive and negative extremes, and attain ultimate liberation and freedom. Its succinct wording and profound principles make it both an introduction to Buddhist practice and a guide for practice and recitation. The Heart Sutra is an indispensable treasure of wisdom for Buddhist pratitioners.
  • JUNE
  • Jun 1 & Jun 15
    The Heart Sutra - The Wisdom that Brings Us to the Other Shore
    by Ven. Yan Rui
    The Heart Sutra, formally known as the Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra, represents the core of wisdom in Mahayana Buddhism. It expounds the profound meaning of “emptiness,” offering profound yet concise teachings. The sutra inspires practitioners to transcend attachments, go beyond both positive and negative extremes, and attain ultimate liberation and freedom. Its succinct wording and profound principles make it both an introduction to Buddhist practice and a guide for practice and recitation. The Heart Sutra is an indispensable treasure of wisdom for Buddhist pratitioners.
    Jun 8
    How We Can Stop Fooling Ourselves by Training the Mind -- Living with Ease in a Crazy World - Part 1 (English Talk)
    by Harry Miller
    Jun 22
    The Śūraṅgama Sūtra Digest -- The Fifty-five Stages to Enlightenment (English Talk)
    by Ven. Chang Hwa
    The Surangama Sutra is regarded as a very important sutra in the Chan school. It gives both theoretical analysis and practical guidance for practitioners to reach the highest samadhi. By using the three aspects of wondrous samatha, samapatti, and dhyana as a scaffold, it provides instruction on the correct understanding of Buddha nature, the true mind/nirvana, the illusory mind/mundane existences, the ways to reach enlightenment, the Surangama mantra, and the demonic states of mind. This Sutra is a complete and practical manual for meditation practitioners.
    Jun 29
    A Microscopic View of the Ten Parables of Prajñā: Illusion and Reality
    by Ven. Yan She
    In the Mahāyāna Prajñā scriptures, analogies such as like "an illusion," "a flame," "the moon in the water," "empty space," "an echo," " the city of Gandharvas," "a dream," "a shadow," "a reflection in a mirror," and "a magical creation" are used to illustrate the true nature of all phenomena. Let us delve into these ten parables from a microscopic perspective to uncover their profound meaning, illuminate the reality of the universe, and explore the wisdom of Prajñā and insight into emptiness.
  • JULY
  • Jul 6 & Jul 20
    A Microscopic View of the Ten Parables of Prajñā: Illusion and Reality
    by Ven. Yan She
    In the Mahāyāna Prajñā scriptures, analogies such as like "an illusion," "a flame," "the moon in the water," "empty space," "an echo," " the city of Gandharvas," "a dream," "a shadow," "a reflection in a mirror," and "a magical creation" are used to illustrate the true nature of all phenomena. Let us delve into these ten parables from a microscopic perspective to uncover their profound meaning, illuminate the reality of the universe, and explore the wisdom of Prajñā and insight into emptiness.
    Jul 13
    How We Can Stop Fooling Ourselves by Training the Mind -- Living with Ease in a Crazy World - Part 2 (English Talk)
    by Harry Miller
    Jul 27
    The Śūraṅgama Sūtra Digest -- Why There Exists the Six Realms (English Talk)
    by Ven. Chang Hwa
    The Surangama Sutra is regarded as a very important sutra in the Chan school. It gives both theoretical analysis and practical guidance for practitioners to reach the highest samadhi. By using the three aspects of wondrous samatha, samapatti, and dhyana as a scaffold, it provides instruction on the correct understanding of Buddha nature, the true mind/nirvana, the illusory mind/mundane existences, the ways to reach enlightenment, the Surangama mantra, and the demonic states of mind. This Sutra is a complete and practical manual for meditation practitioners.