活動訊息  |  特別活動
-Contemporary Art and Zen II 當代藝術與禪 II
  • Contemporary Art and Zen II 當代藝術與禪 II
  • 3/10     週日   2:00PM - 4:00PM (美東時間)     地點: 東初禪寺帶領: 高銘璐 Lu Gao
  • 體驗存在。"我希望在熟悉的環境中喚起一種陌生感,類似於剛搬到一個新地方的感覺。對自身與環境都有意識,但這種感覺會隨著習慣而逐漸消失,我希望在我的實踐中保持這種陌生感"。在本次工作坊中,藝術家將分享她在禪修與藝術方面的實踐。觀眾將被邀請使用創造性的手段,將外在的註意力拉回到自身,重新審視我們在現代都市景觀中的存在。我們如何觀看?我們如何存在?更進一步,我們將思考我們如何共同存在。個人主義持續將人的生命體驗孤立化,給人一種自我可以獨立存在的錯覺,從而產生孤獨感。探討將由以下問題引導:我們是如何成為今天的自己的?該如何理解自己與他人的痛苦和願望?

    To experience existence “I hope to evoke a sense of strangeness in a familiar environment, similar to the feeling of having just relocated to a new place. There is a sense of awareness of both oneself and the environment, but this feeling fades with becoming habituated, I wish to maintain this sense of strangeness in my practice.” In this workshop, the artist will share her practice in Zen Buddhism and art. Audiences will be invited to use creative approaches pulling the outward attention back to themselves, to reevaluate our existence in modernity’s urban landscape. How do we exist? How do we see? Further on, we will reflect on how we exist together. Individualism continues to atomize the human experience, giving the illusion that we can exist on our own, resulting in feelings of isolation. The investigation will be led by the following questions: How do we become who we are today? How to understand the suffering and wishes of others?

    Please Register here.

    * 高銘璐 Lu Gao (China) is a multidisciplinary artist currently based in New York. Her work is based on the notion of deconstructing the representation through in-depth observation. Media include photography, painting, poetry, and installation. She received her undergraduate degree in Architecture from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2020, currently studying MFA in Photography at Parsons The New School.


    7:30PM - 8:30PM
    10:00AM - 12:00PM
    9:00AM - 5:00PM
    9:30AM - 3:30PM
  • 2/5 & 2/12 & 2/19 & 2/26
  • 7:30PM - 8:30PM
    9:00AM - 12:00PM
    2:00PM - 4:00PM
    9:00AM - 12:00PM