Chinese Dharma Talk
11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
金剛經導讀: 般若智慧的光芒
by Ven. Yan Rui
《金剛經》是佛教重要經典,蘊含佛陀對般若智慧的深刻教導。這部經以對話形式呈現,揭示超越表面的真理。金剛經導讀帶您穿越其深奧內容, 深入般若智慧之旅,探索歷史、剖析核心思想,並引導您在現代生活中運用這智慧之光。
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  • JULY
  • Jul 28
    [Bilingual Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    The Essentials of the Agama Sutra 阿含概要
    by Ven. Guo Goang
    The Agama Sutra is a record of the most original teachings of the Buddha. Ven. Guo Goang will lead everyone in the understanding of the fundamental meaning of Buddhism and the principles of practice from the teachings of the Agama Sutra, and in the following of the practice of Buddhism and the basic methods of fundamental practice.
  • Aug 4
    [Chinese Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    金剛經導讀: 般若智慧的光芒
    by Ven. Yan Rui
    《金剛經》是佛教重要經典,蘊含佛陀對般若智慧的深刻教導。這部經以對話形式呈現,揭示超越表面的真理。金剛經導讀帶您穿越其深奧內容, 深入般若智慧之旅,探索歷史、剖析核心思想,並引導您在現代生活中運用這智慧之光。
    Aug 25
    [Bilingual Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    The Essentials of the Agama Sutra 阿含概要
    by Ven. Guo Goang
    The Agama Sutra is a record of the most original teachings of the Buddha. Ven. Guo Goang will lead everyone in the understanding of the fundamental meaning of Buddhism and the principles of practice from the teachings of the Agama Sutra, and in the following of the practice of Buddhism and the basic methods of fundamental practice.
  • Sep 8
    [English Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    How We Can Stop Fooling Ourselves by Training the Mind -- Assess and Extend - Evaluation of Mind Training
    by Harry Miller
    Sep 15
    [Bilingual Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    The Essentials of the Agama Sutra 阿含概要
    by Ven. Guo Goang
    The Agama Sutra is a record of the most original teachings of the Buddha. Ven. Guo Goang will lead everyone in the understanding of the fundamental meaning of Buddhism and the principles of practice from the teachings of the Agama Sutra, and in the following of the practice of Buddhism and the basic methods of fundamental practice.
    Sep 29
    [Chinese Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    by Ven. Yan She
    禪宗有一個著名的公案「大悲千手眼,那個是正眼?」聖嚴師父曾說: 「禪宗的手眼,即是學習觀音菩薩的圓通法門;禪修中的開悟,就是開手眼的悟,就是知道手眼的著力點是什麼。」讓我們從禪師公案的視角,一窺《千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經》。
  • Oct 6
    [Chinese Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    by Ven. Yan She
    禪宗有一個著名的公案「大悲千手眼,那個是正眼?」聖嚴師父曾說: 「禪宗的手眼,即是學習觀音菩薩的圓通法門;禪修中的開悟,就是開手眼的悟,就是知道手眼的著力點是什麼。」讓我們從禪師公案的視角,一窺《千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經》。
    Oct 13
    [English Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    The Śūraṅgama Sūtra Digest -- Twenty-five Methods to Enlightenment
    by Ven. Chang Hwa
    The Surangama Sutra is regarded as a very important sutra in the Chan school. It gives both theoretical analysis and practical guidance for practitioners to reach the highest samadhi. By using the three aspects of wondrous samatha, samapatti, and dhyana as a scaffold, it provides instruction on the correct understanding of Buddha nature, the true mind/nirvana, the illusory mind/mundane existences, the ways to reach enlightenment, the Surangama mantra, and the demonic states of mind. This Sutra is a complete and practical manual for meditation practitioners.
    Oct 20
    [Chinese Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    金剛經導讀: 般若智慧的光芒
    by Ven. Yan Rui
    《金剛經》是佛教重要經典,蘊含佛陀對般若智慧的深刻教導。這部經以對話形式呈現,揭示超越表面的真理。金剛經導讀帶您穿越其深奧內容, 深入般若智慧之旅,探索歷史、剖析核心思想,並引導您在現代生活中運用這智慧之光。
    Oct 27
    [English Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    The Śūraṅgama Sūtra Digest -- Enter Samadhi through Hearing, Contemplation, and Practice
    by Ven. Chang Hwa
    The Surangama Sutra is regarded as a very important sutra in the Chan school. It gives both theoretical analysis and practical guidance for practitioners to reach the highest samadhi. By using the three aspects of wondrous samatha, samapatti, and dhyana as a scaffold, it provides instruction on the correct understanding of Buddha nature, the true mind/nirvana, the illusory mind/mundane existences, the ways to reach enlightenment, the Surangama mantra, and the demonic states of mind. This Sutra is a complete and practical manual for meditation practitioners.
  • Nov 3 & Nov 17
    [Chinese Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    by Ven. Chang Zhai
    Nov 10
    [English Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    How We Can Stop Fooling Ourselves by Training the Mind -- The Discipline of Relationship
    by Harry Miller
  • Dec 8
    [Bilingual Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    The Essentials of the Agama Sutra 阿含概要
    by Ven. Guo Goang
    The Agama Sutra is a record of the most original teachings of the Buddha. Ven. Guo Goang will lead everyone in the understanding of the fundamental meaning of Buddhism and the principles of practice from the teachings of the Agama Sutra, and in the following of the practice of Buddhism and the basic methods of fundamental practice.
    Dec 15
    [Chinese Dharma Talk]
    11:00AM - 12:30PM EST.
    金剛經導讀: 般若智慧的光芒
    by Ven. Yan Rui
    《金剛經》是佛教重要經典,蘊含佛陀對般若智慧的深刻教導。這部經以對話形式呈現,揭示超越表面的真理。金剛經導讀帶您穿越其深奧內容, 深入般若智慧之旅,探索歷史、剖析核心思想,並引導您在現代生活中運用這智慧之光。