Two Entrances and Four Practices

- Speaker: Ven. Guo Sheng
- Date: July 20, August 3, 10, 2014
- Length: [01:32:17], [01:27:58], [01:29:38]
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download (1)A Little Chat about Chan

- Speaker: Ven. Guo Yuan
- Date: July 13, 2014
- Length: [01:27:42]
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downloadChan, Pure Land and Liberation

- Speaker: Ven. Guo Fang FashiVen. Guo Fang Fashi
- Date: June 22 & 29, 2014
- Length: [01:28:58], [01:37:34]
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download (1)Consciousness: East and West

- Speaker: Harry Miller
- Date: June 15, 2014
- Length: [01:29:09]
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downloadBathing the Buddha: Is it bathing the physical-body or the Dharma-body? How do we bath the Dharma-body?

- Speaker: Abbot Ven. Guo Xing
- Date: May 18, 2014
- Length: [01:23:26]
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