How is a Chan Practitioner to Handle Pride and Self-Righteousness?

- Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Li
- Date: March 26, 2017
- Length: [01:30:05]
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downloadOn Emotional Intelligence (EQ): The EQ, that is not the EQ, is the true EQ

- Speaker: Dr. Peter Lin
- Date: March 5, 2017
- Length: [01:27:10]
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downloadChinese New Year Special Dharma Talk

- Speaker: Ven. Guo Yuan
- Date: January 29, 2017
- Length: [00:43:05]
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downloadChan Practice and Making Wise Choices

- Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Li
- Date: December 4, 2016
- Length: [01:26:09]
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downloadTransference of Merits in Chan Practice

- Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Li
- Date: November 6, 2016
- Length: [01:25:05]
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