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Weekly Activities
Sunday Open House
Every Sunday, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Our Sunday programs are open to people to explore and learn more about Buddhism. Everyone is welcome to participate.
Please CLICK HERE for Sunday Dharma Talk related info.
Dharma talk
11:00 – 12:30pm
Lunch Offering & Announcement
12:30 – 1:00pm
Vegetarian Lunch ($5 donation requested)
1:00 – 1:45pm
Chanting Service
2:00 – 4:00pm
Monday Evening Chanting
Every Monday, 7:30pm to 9:15pm
Devotional chanting of Amitabha Buddha’s name.
Bodhisattva Precept Recitation Ritual every last Monday of each month.
Every Monday, 7:30pm to 9:15pm
Tuesday Evening Sitting
Every Tuesday, 7:00pm to 9:30pm
All who have previous experience in meditation are welcome. Activities include sitting and walking meditations, yoga exercises, chanting of the Heart Sutra, and group discussions of Chan Master Sheng Yen’s books.
Thursday Evening Tai Chi Moving Meditation
Every Thursday, 7:30pm to 9:00 pm
Experience the great depth of Chan practice through the combination of Ta-chi with Chan meditation.
The modern people are often busy, stressed and tense. Tai Chi Moving Meditation helps to unify and ease the body and mind.
Moreover, it is an expedient to improve physical health.
Fee: $80 for 16 classes or $25 per month
[ First class is free for newcomers. All levels are welcome! ]
Please call 718-592-6593 for registration.
Instructor: David Ngo
Buddha Nature in Food
A Special Event by DDYP & DDMBA
On August 12, 2017, DDYP and DDMBA co-hosted a special event “Buddha Nature in Food”, an afternoon of compassionate sharing of food, environmental-friendly ideas, mindful practice, and loving kindness.
We were very glad to welcome a lot of new friends, some of them coming to visit Chan Center for the first time, so we started the event with a beginner-friendly meditation session, our Dharma teacher venerable Chang Guan Fashi guided an exercise meditation followed by a sitting meditation with detailed instructions. Everyone is in a relatively relaxed and joyful state.
We have the honor to invite our special guest, Eddie Lin and Dr. Allen Hsu, to share their expertise and experience with veganism and eco-friendly lifestyle from the diverse professional background and different perspective. Eddie Lin has been a vegetarian since 2004 and is the organizer of Dharma Drink, a Buddhist social group to bring Buddhists and like minded group together.
He recently attended Ivy League Vegan Conference in Harvard, and he shared what he learned from academia, entrepreneurs and investors about veganism, the topics include how to make conscious and responsible choices even if you are not a vegetarian; how our daily choice of diet impact climate and global geographical resource; the current state of regulation for animal cruelty; and how modern-day investor put financial pressure on non-environmental friendly companies. It was refreshing to hear the idea from such diverse background. Dr. Allen Hsu is a medical doctor and a vegetarian for 4 years. He approaches this topic in a more blunt manner; he showed videos of cows getting inhumane treatment, graphs of water shortage partially caused by beef industry and CT scans of how veganism impact our health.
It was shocking to see these photos but also helps us understand the urgency of being kind in our daily life choices.
After the lecture, we arranged for food sharing time, Ven. Chang Zhai Fashi instructed about Chan in eating, how to have food with gratitude. Our snack is laid out with beautiful presentation, aroma, and taste. Each table shared the snack and shared what they learned and felt. We are moved from the stories each table shared: we have friends who made the compassionate vow to become vegan; we also have friends who never thought a vegetarian lifestyle is possible before this event expressed their desire to choose a more plant based diet.
To conclude this event, Ven Chang Guan Fashi encouraged everyone to realize that, the root of violence and hatred is in our mind, and once we decide to change our mind, to treat every sentient being with equality; every little choice we made is our blessing to the world, and the whole world will be a more peaceful and happier place because tiny compassionate things we do.
We want to thank our dharma teachers, all the volunteers, and all the friends to make this special event possible.