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Weekly Activities
Sunday Open House
Every Sunday, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Our Sunday programs are open to people to explore and learn more about Buddhism. Everyone is welcome to participate.
Please CLICK HERE for Sunday Dharma Talk related info.
Dharma talk
11:00 – 12:30pm
Lunch Offering & Announcement
12:30 – 1:00pm
Vegetarian Lunch ($5 donation requested)
1:00 – 1:45pm
Chanting Service
2:00 – 4:00pm
Monday Evening Chanting
Every Monday, 7:30pm to 9:15pm
Devotional chanting of Amitabha Buddha’s name.
Bodhisattva Precept Recitation Ritual every last Monday of each month.
Every Monday, 7:30pm to 9:15pm
Tuesday Evening Sitting
Every Tuesday, 7:00pm to 9:30pm
All who have previous experience in meditation are welcome. Activities include sitting and walking meditations, yoga exercises, chanting of the Heart Sutra, and group discussions of Chan Master Sheng Yen’s books.
Thursday Evening Tai Chi Moving Meditation
Every Thursday, 7:30pm to 9:00 pm
Experience the great depth of Chan practice through the combination of Ta-chi with Chan meditation.
The modern people are often busy, stressed and tense. Tai Chi Moving Meditation helps to unify and ease the body and mind.
Moreover, it is an expedient to improve physical health.
Fee: $80 for 16 classes or $25 per month
[ First class is free for newcomers. All levels are welcome! ]
Please call 718-592-6593 for registration.
Instructor: David Ngo
2017 Family Chan Camp
2017 Family Chan Camp By Yingshyan Ku
While the camp officially began on 8/2 and concluded on 8/6, the counselors and adults prepared and arranged a variety of different activities starting on 7/30. The training days were packed with lectures and lessons in order to impart knowledge to the counselors before the camp began.
Andrew Shen, a new counselor, said, “It was good that they taught us some important life lessons in the training session, and it helped me better deal with the kids at times.”
One activity for both the kids and teens group involved placing a bowl of water filled to the brim with water on top of their heads and walking a course with the goal of spilling the least amount of water possible. The goal of this exercise was to practice the concept of mindfulness. The children found the activity to be challenging yet entertaining.
The art of tea has always been an important aspect of Chan. Both kids and teens were taught about the proper etiquette for a tea ceremony by Chang Zhai Fashi and Yen Ben Fashi. This required the children to remain calm while waiting for the tea host to make the tea. Slowing down to appreciate the taste and smell of tea teach the value of patience.
Counselors and the children also went on a field trip to “Sam’s Point”, which reaches up to 698 meters above ground. While the hike was strenuous at times, the scenery from the peak was breathtaking and well worth the effort.
All the children had been highly anticipating the day for water sports. The counselors spent a few hours preparing activities for the children in advance. Five stations with varying games were set up, such as a relay race. Children and counselors all became soaked and had a lot of enjoyment!
The night before the final day of camp comprised of acting out skits the children had been preparing for days in advance based around four themes: wisdom, kindness, compassion, or cultivation. Following the skits was a talent show where anyone was free to perform. Adult volunteers even went on stage and danced along to a song! The night concluded with a bonfire where children could roast marshmallows to make s’mores.