Transmission Ceremony of the Bodhisattva Precepts at DDRC

Report written by Chang Jie 07/02/2010

On July 2-5, 2010, the Transmission Ceremony of the Bodhisattva Precepts was held at DDRC. 75 participants from the United States and Canada received the precepts. A team of 10 monks and 8 nuns, many of whom had travelled overseas especially for the ceremony, were present to support the participants, as well as lay volunteers and trainers. Two ceremonies were held during the event-- the "Transmission of Precepts to the Spirit Realm" and the "Transmission Ceremony of the Bodhisattva Precepts." The ceremonies were presided by Transmission Master Venerable Guo Xing, Abbot of Chan Meditation Center and Dharma Drum Retreat Center in New York, Repentance Master Venerable Guo Yuan, Vice Provost of DDM Chan Center in Taiwan, and Training Master Venerable Guo Chi, Head Teacher of DDM Chan Hall in Taiwan.

    The "Transmission of Precepts to the Spirit Realm" is a ceremony for all beings with karmic affinities with the participants to receive the bodhisattva precepts. The "Transmission Ceremony of the Bodhisattva Precepts" include the receiving of the Ten Virtuous Precepts, the Three Cumulative Pure Precepts, and the Four Great Bodhisattva Vows, and transferring merits to all beings.

Participants were encouraged to repent of past karmic misdeeds and do prostrations in preparation of receiving of the precepts. Venerable Chang-hwa, Director of Chan Meditation Center, trained the group in rehearsing for the two ceremonies. Rehearsals were interspersed with video lectures by the late Master Sheng Yen, and talks by Venerable Guo Xing and Venerable Guo Yuan. Teachings covered the history and background, concepts, and meaning of taking the precepts, and the practice of the precepts in daily life.

    After the ceremonies, people had small group discussions on the ceremony and precepts.

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Dharma Drum Mountain