CMC Monastics Participate in Special Interfaith Rally "Beyond Iraq - Building the Beloved Community"

By Ven. Chang Wu

On April 4, 2005, Guo Ming Fa Shi and Chang Wu Fa Shi were invited to chant in a special interfaith rally "Beyond Iraq - Building the Beloved Community". It was held at the Riverside Church in Manhattan. 

The evening began with reading of excerpts from Rev. Martin Luther King well known speech, "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence". Followed by the opening statement from Senior Minister at the Riverside Church and chanting of The Four Great Vows. Before the chanting, Guo Ming Fa Shi gave her teachings of peace and harmony as follows:

The potential and energy of the mind is beyond our imagination.
There are things we may not be able to accomplish right now,
But with the power of our vows and determination, things can be changed.
If we can implement the principles and guidelines of our vows, we will be mindful of our speech, behavior and conduct.
We will engage in wholesome deeds and avoid unwholesome deeds. 
With this attitude and mentality, 
We will be contributing to our families, communities, societies and countries.
Then, peace and harmony in the world is attainable.


Copyright © 2005
Dharma Drum Mountain